dinsdag 15 juli 2014

ok, and now ? ,what is the result of it???(update2)


Well, it seems that moving the antenna to the atic was not a problem.
getting proper cable also no problem.
but what is the problem ?

1st picture.
antenna on balcony with NO amp.

2nd picture.
antenna on balcony with AMP.

3th picture.
antenna on atic (but 30meter cable) NO amp
*sigh*, what a fail

4th picture
antenna on atic (but 30meter cable) with amp
*sigh*, still a fail.

5th picture
antenna on atic (but 30meter cable) amp just below antenna
*sigh*, still a disapointment.

Ok, so, this is a fail.
yes, i do receive now planes from the west , but i lost a shitload on the east when antenna was outside on balcony.
guess i have to play with the place where the antenna works best.

did i mention that the amp is actualy for TV signal use only?
that is as, 50-950 mhz..

need to get a LNB DC injector, so i can test with a ,hm, proper AMP.

Well, it seems my 2nd idea wasnt bad at al.
just give it a hour, and after move the antenna to a better spot.
the results are interesting.

This the plane outcome after 1 hour with the new situation.
yes, lesser planes in the east (germany)
yes, more planes now in the west (belgium)

situation after moving antenna 1 meter to more free space.
The best i can do is wait another hour to see the results, and post it.

wel, i am not i for waiting a new hour.
20 minutes later i took this screenshot.
i am fucking impressed now !
Experiment did worked afterall.


zaterdag 12 juli 2014

3th version ADS-B antenna SATcable direct feed.

My 3th atemp to make a 1/4 wave ADS-B antenna.
What is wrong with the others ?
nothing, ex that each version gave beter performances.
oh, please, tell me, how do i set a BLACK background,..

2 paperclips for making 4 ground elements.
10 meter high grade SAT cable xD
lots of coffee and fun, and a telefoon that need a hamer to trash
god, i hate wolfgang smartphones.
2nd PS, how do i change the blabla in something usefull, hehe. 

any more, CUT (or not)

After 5 minutes that is.

My 1st ADS-B antenna atemp xD

To be honnest 1/4 dipol worked nice.

el cheapo ADS-B antenna (1090mhz) 2nd version 1/4 GP

el cheapo ADS-B antenna (1090mhz)
ok, some1 can FKing tell me how i set a BLACK background color.
this *** is new for me. 

very cheap to make 1090 mhz antenna for ADS-B use
thing u need: paperclips, and a litle magfood antenna base.